Can’t have a stable relationship,there’s always an issue with guys/girls I date, wait am I the issue? Do I have Borderline Personality Disorder?

I’ve heard people who are often in and out of relationships saying that they have Borderline Personality Behaviour. But can we entirely blame this on the disorder? Or are we trying to find something else to blame as opposed to our lack of effort in these relationships? Is this what really is the definition of Borderline Personality Disorder? Well, let us find out. 

Borderline Personality Disorder which can also be referred to as Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder can be defined as a mental disorder which is characterized by unstable moods. Why the name borderline? And on the borderline of what? Let’s get into a little bit of history. In the late 1930s, this word was used to describe people who were on the border of schizophrenia and a treatable neurosis, hence the term borderline. 

BDP affects how one feels about themselves and how they relate with others. This disorder can be characterized by:

  1. Unstable moods – one might experience mood swings. These mood swings are usually intense and can last up to even a couple of days.  
  2. Unstable behaviours which could be self-damaging – some of these include drug abuse, engagig in unprotected sex, gambling, going on shopping sprees, etc.
  3. Ongoing feelings of emptiness.
  4. Anger management issues – one often loses their temper and could even become hostile and engage in physical fights.

Other characteristics include a distorted sense of self, fear of abandonment, among others. Even though unstable relationships can be a symptom of BPD, it needs to be a long term pattern before we characterize it as BPD. 

Join us next week as we find out what causes BPD, how to live with it, and the treatment available.  

SharonahKen ♥️♥️♥️