Education system over the years has been criticized and ridiculed, Education malpractice is repeatedly initiated by the Government of Kenya. In 2020 due to the pandemic COVID 19 education system is one of the fields that has been hit hard. Teachers employed in private schools and teachers under BOG are currently either unemployed or are on a prolonged unpaid leave this also affects the non-teaching staff countrywide. Education system has been with us since 1902-2020 quick maths that is 118 years but clearly, we have huge gaps yet to fill in and the maze has been too difficult to solve for the last 118 years. 

Education is as beautiful as a butterfly going back to science a butterfly undergoes different stages before it reveals the beauty it carries

After 118 years where should we categorize our education system is it in the egg stage undergoing incubation towards being a caterpillar or are we at the pupa stage awaiting to be a beautiful butterfly. What is your thought?

In the previous post, we looked at the transition which the education system has undergone. If we were to compare the education system to other systems which govern the country, for example, health services, transport system, communication system then the education system will be reduced to a tennis ball in a football field. Let me illustrate what I mean;

Medical services in 1900 vs hospital services in 2020

Hospitals in the 1900s
Hospital’s in the 2000s

Transport system in 19’s Vs 20’s

Vehicles in the 1900s
Vehicles in the 2000s

Communication system in 19’s Vs 20’s

Phones in the 1900s
Phones in the 2000s
Phones Today

Education system in 19’s Vs 20’s

Schools in the 1900s
Schools in the 2000s

Is it just me or is it clear to all of us that since 1902-2016 other than the stone structures we call schools nothing major has progressed in the education system probably we have been ignorant to look at truthful but hurtful facts the reason why doctors strike, lecturers strike, nurses and other fields flop is because we follow an education system that equates competition to passion which is so wrong because passion supersedes competition. Why does a medical practitioner after 10 years resign to become a musician, it is about time we get to protect the future generation, where is it written an architect is better than a scriptwriter they both are builders, one builds on a story while the other facilitates the construction of a storey house.

MaryMwas ❤❤